Jury 2017

Hisham Zaman

Anna Podercar

Stuart Robinson


Hunting flies

Fiction | Norway/Macedonia | 2016 | 106 min

Director: Izer Aliu
Screenplay: Izer Aliu
Photography: Nils Eilif Bremdal
Actors: Burhan Amiti
Producer: Khalid Maimouni

At first glance HUNTING FLIES is a film about childhood, but it is also deeply political. The story takes place in Macedonia, where politics and ethnicity still creates great divide in the population. On their first day in junior high school three friends meet their new classmates. The teacher Ghani quickly discovers that old conflicts divide the class. Ghani, who will lose his job as the new government replaces the old teachers with their own administration, tries to convince the director to keep him on. He declares his intention to make peace in his class, and starts a work of mediation. He is determined not to end it before the groups have reconciled.

Filmmaker Izer Aliu balances gravity and satire in his debut movie. HUNTING FLIES is a film about boys who reproduces their fathers feuds, and about a country where choosing the wrong side in politics can have serious consequences.

Director info

Izer Aliu was born in Macedonia and graduated from the Norwegian Film School. His short film TO GUARD A MOUNTAIN won an Amanda-price in 2012 and DET GODE LIVET won best short at the Grimstad Short Film Festival in 2014. HUNTING FLIES is his first feature film.