Erik Smith Meyer - Filmmaker, Tromsø
Jochen Peters - Norwegian Refugee Council, Oslo
Lodve Svare - Center for Peace Studies, University of Tromsø
Suvimarja Vuontela - Student Network for Peace, Tromsø
Hege Widnes - Cinemateque manager, Verdensteatret Cinemateque, Tromsø


The other bank

Georgia/Kazakstan | 2009 | 90 min

director: George Ovashvili
screenplay: Nugzar Shataidze
cinematography: Amir Assadi
cast: Tedo Bekhauri, Galoba Gambaria, Nika Alajajev

Tedo and his young mother Keto are refugees from Abkhazia, and are now living in an abandoned hut in a suburb of Tbilisi. Tedo is an apprentice at a car repair shop, Keto works as a sales clerk. Even though several years has passed since they left Abkhazia, Tedo is still unable to adapt to their new environment, and blames himself for not contributing enough financially. When he discovers that his mother has a lover, Tedo decides that enough is enough, and decides to return home. On his journey he has several life-changing experiences, but whether the grass is greener on the other side of the fence remains to be seen.

THE OTHER BANK is a film about families shattered by war, and about the deeper meanings of the word home.

Director info

George Ovashvili is a graduate of the Georgian State Institute of Cinema and Theatere and the New York Film Academy at Universal Studios. Before debuting as a feature director with THE OTHER BANK he cut his teeth making short films.