The Norwegian Peace Film Award - NoPFA was founded December 2nd, 2003. The organizations represented at the inaugural meeting were the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS), the Student Network for Peace (SNF), and the Tromsø International Film Festival (TIFF).



The NoPFA-Foundation will annually give The Norwegian Peace Film Award during the Tromsø International Film Festival. Through educational work and distribution of the award, the foundation wants to contribute to the promotion of a culture of peace both on local and international level.

The foundation is a non-profit organization and has no political affiliation.


The foundation is managed by a board consisting of three members. TIFF and CPS appoints the board members. The board is responsible for the administration of the foundation, for its representation outwards, for the nomination of relevant films for the award, and for the appointment of the jury.


Erik Lundestad
Chair of the board


Elisabeth Sandersen
Member of the board


Hermann Greuel
Member of the board